Why I started Going to the Gym?


Hello Readers !
How you’ve been ? Hope you all are doing great !
“Fitness” is a word everyone keeps talking about- its in the newspapers, its in the magazines, on the back of food packets and on your parents’ lips. Guidelines, Diets, what-to-eat, what-not-to-eat, how to get that actress’ thighs, tips for a tighter butt… la la la… the list is endless. All of them compelling you to try atleast one of those recommendations.
Today, let me tell you something about myself- I hate the idea of sweating , I am a foodie and my idea of sport is shopping.
Recently, I decided on going to the gym. Why? Here are the pointers :

  1. Embarrassment of Fainting

  2. If you skip breakfast, on the day you have that class where you have no option to sit. One moment you were standing and the next, whole class is trying to comfort you. I hate that sort of attention.
  3. Needed to fit into “that” beautiful dress
  4. I saw this insanely beautiful dress and it just won’t fit me the way its supposed to. I could do a little sweat to wear that beauty.
  5. Can’t stop Munching
  6. Being a foodie, I can’t stop wondering what I am going to eat next. Sight of a yummy dish gets me drooling.
  7. Obsessed over those thin legs every Korean Drama actress has

  8. Thin Legs make you look in anything and everything you wear.
  9. I watched Victoria Secret Fashion Show

  10. And, felt like two models will have to combine to make me.
  11. Boyfriend

  12. I feel anybody who is dating or crushing some hot guy can understand this. He just seems to get hotter and I just keep munching. I don’t want to hear later- That Couple’s like Laurel and Hardy!.
  13. Diet control defaulters

  14. I can’t seem to control my diet. I can’t seem to be regular at the healthy diet schedules. Every time a new restaurant opens in town, I am making weekend plans for a meal.
    So, atleast the workout will help me reduce the guilt.
  15. Size dilemma

  16. So, I have a lean top and broad bottom. It’s hard to be sure of any clothing, other than skater dresses. Can’t wear skater dresses all the time, right ?
  17. Online Shopping

  18. For a body with flab at a lot of places, Its so hard to be sure of what will fit you. Ordering online becomes a frustratingly confusing experience.
  19. Unsuit Jumpsuits

  20. People tell me – “Why don’t you Wear Jumpsuits? you have long legs.” Well, long legs are not all you need to fit into jumpsuits.
  21.  Stress Buster

  22. Unless you really like your temper getting on your nerves and then on people’s faces, take all that to the gym and make something productive out of it. You’ll be surprised !
  23. Upcoming Vacation

  24. Everyone wants to/needs to look amazing in Vacation pictures.
  25. These were the reasons to why I started hitting the gym.
    Although I firmly believe, Whatever happens, You should Love your body – every curve and every edge.
    I will always be proud of mine.


Thank you for reading this post !
Hope you enjoyed reading it. Do you have reasons like mine on why you became fitness conscious ? Please share them with me. You can comment below or write on the contact page.

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