A Vacation 

​She is free, she is independent. 
But somedays she doesn’t feel like herself.
Somedays, she wants to be wanted.
That’s not wrong, until…
She starts feeling like herself again.

She is Free, she is independent.
But Somedays, she wants a vacation.
Somedays, she wants to play.
That’s not wrong, until…
The Vacation are lives of other people and her play – their love.

She’s free, she is independent.
But somedays, she doesn’t want to play that role.
Somedays, she wants to be vulnerable, she wants to love.
That’s not wrong, until…
She gets back to her role, without a care.

She’s free, she is independent.
But somedays, she wants it to be easy.
Somedays, she wants the lock and key, all at once.
That’s not wrong, until…
She gets comfortable.

She’s free, she’s independent.
And most days, it comes with a price.
Most days, price is being caught in the vacation and thinking you are a part of her.
That only gets worse when, her vacation is over.

She is free, She’s Independent.
And you?… You are lost.

Illustration by Pascal Campion Art

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